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You have entered the HeadQuarters of Nasty Funeral Home and are technically committing an act of trespass. Any information found here pertaining to the above named corporation may be highly sensitive in nature and should be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

In accordance with the NETROPOLIS code of business practice, therefore, you can and should use such information in the furtherance of your own interests at the expense of others.

Boss:   Sexy Grim Reaper
Company:  Nasty Funeral Home
Richlist Position:   17238
Current city:   Unlocated
Holdings:   £7,886,200
Percent map owned:   0.00%

Places won:

The Netropolis Heights

The United Kingdom
Cockermouth - once

The United States



South America


Company awards: - Click any award for details

Company manifesto:
The Nasty Funeral Home could be the venue for your next funeral! Our professional staff will take excellent care of whatever remains of your loved ones. First, we clean the body with an organic honey and oat purifying lotion. Next we choose the dress most appropriate for the cause of death. Lastly, and this is our signature touch, our staff takes turns savagely humping the corpse real good. Sometimes vegetables are used as dildos, only to be served up later to the funeral attendees without notice. Sometimes not. Then comes the event planning, based on the amount of dough you are willing to drop. Our packages range from Economy Parking Lot Sendoff to our Deluxe Bling-Bling Funeral Bash and Party Luncheon, complete with death-themed strippers, clowns, and fire eaters. Call today!

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