Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
25601 ZZZZ £ 38,448,244
25602 zZzZ Monster £ 90,472,126
25603 Zzzzmuffinchopsshopszzzz £ 28,479,869
25604 _-_ £ 139,904,391
25605 _Cheongsam_ £ 1,655,211
25606 _Cheongsam__ £ 1,754,134
25607 _Generic Brand £ 15,094,573
25608 _Generic Brand_ £ 18,099,405
25609 _GenericBrand £ 18,437,149
25610 __007__ £ 51,157,123
25611 __Randomness__ £ 39,042,559
25612 __yourfriend__ £ 41,386,904
25613 ___ £ 5,500,028
25614 ________ £ 192,418,353